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Stop Entertaining The Opinions Of Others  

But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! Acts 4:19  

Just recently, something miraculous happened (by God’s grace, miracles happen so often)! All glory to JESUS! I stopped at a specific gas station that God had put on my heart. God guided me to the exact person. I started talking with this man and his name was David. My name is David; however, I usually go by Tyler (my middle name). This man said his name is Tyler as well. So, I am David Tyler and I’m also sharing JESUS with a man named David Tyler! He sincerely gave his life to JESUS and is a new creation in CHRIST! I made up my mind many years ago that no matter what - by the HOLY SPIRIT - I will do what GOD tells me to do! Only JESUS can do that!  

What have people spoken over your life? Have you been focusing on what others think about you? Have you been listening more to what others tell you to do? Or have you been listening to what GOD tells you do? If you are doing exactly what the HOLY SPIRIT tells you to do, don’t be concerned about the opinions of others! If there is praise, all glory goes to JESUS! If there is opposition, it can fall to the ground!  

Action Point

By relying completely on the HOLY SPIRIT, make up your mind and heart that you will move forward doing exactly what JESUS has told you to do - without being concerned about the opinions of others. Ask GOD how HE wants to bless someone through you today! Rejoice! Go out and do what GOD has called you to do!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #spiritualawakening #revival