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Stop Fighting And Start Yielding  

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. Proverbs 21:30  

Yesterday was the first day that I took all 3 boys out by myself (2yrs old and 2-almost 3 month old’s)! My wife and I have 3 powerful evangelists! We went to get the oil changed in the Mazda CX-9, went through the car wash twice, got food from Chick-Fil-A, went to the park, then went back to where we live in NJ. We were able to pray with 5 people to trust in JESUS and for GOD’s blessing upon their lives! It was such a blessing and all praise to JESUS!  

Living completely for JESUS and for souls is a very exciting and joyful life! Is there challenging times? Absolutely. However, the reward and joy is so much greater! It’s important for us to constantly yield to the power and leading of The HOLY SPIRIT! GOD never intended for any of us to fight any battle in our own strength and with our own plans.  

Action Point

Have you been weighed down with battles in your mind? Have you been worn out because of the challenges you are facing? My suggestion is to turn away from all of the distractions and other voices. Take some time to hear the voice of JESUS in prayer. Then stay focused on doing only what The HOLY SPIRIT is leading you to do! Remind yourself - nothing can ever succeed against the LORD and what HE is doing through your life! No enemy, no person, no battle - can stand against what GOD is doing! Rejoice, my friend - we are not a weak people! We a victorious people! Yield to The HOLY SPIRIT and rejoice today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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