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Stop Listening to the enemy - WE’VE ALREADY WON!!  

And the LORD will be king over all the earth; in that day the LORD will be the only one, and His name the only one. Zechariah 14:9  

I am happy that Argentina won the World Cup in Soccer. I am not a big soccer fan; however, I have been greatly blessed by revival and what JESUS has done in the great country of Argentina (look up the story of Evangelist Tommy Hicks). What if someone came up to Argentina’s Soccer Team and began saying that they didn’t win? They would look ridiculous and the lie would be rejected immediately! Most of the world knows (no matter what anyone says) that Argentina won the World Cup. Argentina already won!  

As a follower of JESUS CHRIST, we have already won a victory so much greater than any sporting event! We have already won victory for eternity because JESUS has already won the victory! JESUS has already defeated satan, sin, sickness, self-focus, death, hell, depression, mind battles, addictions, and everything of this world! That’s why we have to be saturated with the TRUTH from GOD’s WORD! We have already won!  

Action Point

My friend, JESUS has given you authority! You are not weak! Take your authority over the enemy, command him to leave every area of your life, and walk in victory - in JESUS’ Mighty NAME! If you have been down or discouraged - stand up, rejoice, and speak aloud that you’ve already won! The enemy belongs under your feet - so don’t entertain any lie from the enemy! Read the WORD, speak the WORD, meditate on the WORD, and walk in victory by The Mighty HOLY SPIRIT in you!  

Rejoice, we’ve already won! GOD bless you!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

To Partner:

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