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Stop Looking At The Old You - You Are In CHRIST!  

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:3  

I was on my way to Brooklyn, NYC to preach at a Church for the Sunday Service. As I was almost there, I noticed a man making deliveries. GOD put him so strongly on my heart. I stopped, talked with him, and he prayed to trust JESUS CHRIST as his LORD and SAVIOR! I then prayed for him for receive the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire! He was touched in such a powerful way and JESUS gets all of the glory! Something that really touched me was that he told me that no one has ever prayed with him like that before. There are so many people who need JESUS and need to begin living in their new identity in CHRIST!  

Are you living in the reality of who you are in CHRIST? Or are you overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, fear, circumstances, and thoughts from the past? Are thinking about the new you in CHRIST? Or are you constantly battling thoughts and guilt about the way you used to be?  

Action Point

I have Good News! The old you is dead! The real you is who you are in CHRIST and WHO HE is in you by the HOLY SPIRIT! Put your foot on the enemy’s head today and speak out loud the following: “I am a Christian; I am found by GOD; I’m a friend of GOD; I’m the righteousness of GOD; I am healed by GOD; I am rich in GOD; I walk in the authority of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and no enemy can’t stop what GOD desires to do!” Rejoice and encourage someone today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

To Partner:

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