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Stop Rehearsing Past Failures

having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. Colossians 2:14

One of the biggest attacks against believers today is demonic attacks against their minds concerning past failures. Recently, when I was sitting in my vehicle at a store, I noticed a lady in a car beside me and I knew that GOD wanted me to speak to her. As I talked with her, she began to cry and share things about her life and her past. By GOD’s grace, I was able to talk with her, pray for her, and then pray with her to give her life fresh and anew to JESUS! The HOLY SPIRIT touched her in such a powerful way and I found out later that her life was greatly impacted! All praise to JESUS!

Are you battling thoughts from the past? Maybe past failures? Maybe wishing you would’ve done things differently? Maybe overwhelming guilt and a sense of feeling dirty because of something that happening in the past? My friend, I have GOOD NEWS and I pray that it overwhelms your mind and heart like a waterfall! JESUS has forgiven and cancelled every failure and every sin that has ever happened in your life, by HIS powerful blood! It’s not even there anymore! It is, as if, you were never a sinner and never guilty!


Pray. Meditate over the Wonderful TRUTH that JESUS has forgiven you and that there is no wrong on your account! GOD has given to you the mind of CHRIST! Take the authority that you have in JESUS CHRIST; command every demonic thought and everything of the enemy to flee from you. Rejoice and sing praises to JESUS throughout the day! Greater is The HOLY SPIRIT in you! You are coming out in victory! Be a blessing to someone today!

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain