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Stop Trying To Figure Everything Out

28When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they replied. 29Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you”; Matthew 9:28-29

My wife and I have a precious son of about 19 months of age. When I give him something to eat, something to drink, a toy, or something that he wants or needs, he doesn’t have to figure it all out. All he has to do come to me and receive whatever he needs. I took him and bought him a little 4-wheeler that’s actually for kids about 3 years and up. By GOD’s grace, our son is already driving it good by himself! During that purchase, a precious lady prayed to give her life to JESUS! Hallelujah! We don’t have to figure everything out! We simply live the way GOD wants us to live, by the HOLY SPIRIT!Do you feel that you need to always be in control? Are you trying to figure out all the numbers on how things are going to work out? Now, it is wise to prepare and to be prudent. However, we must always first be led by the HOLY SPIRIT. What has GOD instructed you to do? Don’t worry about figuring everything out. Simply take one step at a time and follow the HOLY SPIRIT every day. Blessings will abound!

Action Point

Are you working with all of your strength to accomplish something? Or are you simply moment by moment yielding to the HOLY SPIRIT and enjoying great fellowship with HIM? Pray this with me today. “LORD JESUS CHRIST, thank you for loving me! Help me and cause me to be led by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT all throughout this day. Help me to hear YOUR voice and enjoy great fellowship with you. Help me to rejoice all throughout this day, help me to stay in an attitude of prayer all throughout this day, help me to thank YOU all throughout this day, and please work through me to bless someone today! In JESUS’ NAME, amen!

Have a great day and GOD bless you, my friend!