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Stop Worrying & Start Worshipping   Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6  

Sunday was such an awesome day! We got to see so many wonderful friends at Times Square Church, where I used to work. My Mother-in-law was there for the 1st time. I heard a powerful Message by Pastor Carter Conlon. Then, we had a powerful Sunday Service at LoveLight Church in Staten Island! It’s amazing to see all of the precious people that The HOLY SPIRIT is drawing to JESUS in Manhattan, Staten Island, and throughout! On Sunday in Manhattan, I was privileged to pray with a Police Officer to give her life to JESUS, at the Church. We are so full of praise unto JESUS that we are able to be a part of what is doing through HIS Church in this generation! May we have another Great Spiritual Awakening!  

Something we hear about so often is worship and praise? However, are you really praising The LORD! Are you living life full of praise? Are you praising JESUS for WHO HE is, for what HE has done, and for all of HIS Promises? True praise can change you and it can change the entire situation!  


Make a decision to turn off all of the distractions and pull all of your attention on JESUS and what HE desires to do through your life! Praise HIM for WHO HE is! Praise HIM for all that HE has done! Praise HIM for what HE is doing! Praise HIM and take hold of HIS promises! Praise HIM before the prayer is answered! Then, encourage someone today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

Evangelist Tyler Sain