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Supernatural Favor And Deliverance  

But on arriving at the jail, the officers did not find them there. So they went back and reported, “We found the jail securely locked, with the guards standing at the doors; but when we opened them, we found no one inside.” Acts 5:22-23  

I remember once after moving to another residence when I got pulled over by a police officer. We were in the process of getting our vehicle registrations changed to a new state; however, we had not yet finished. I have many friends who are wonderful police officers and we are big supporters of the Police and how GOD uses many of them! I started talking with the police officer and we had a great conversation. Shortly after, he prayed with me to give his life to JESUS! He could’ve given me a ticket for not having an up-to-date registration; however, with GOD’s favor, I was able to pray with him and then for him to be Divinely protected by the LORD! Only JESUS can do that!  

What situation do you find yourself in today? Do you need supernatural favor and deliverance? Are you in a constant place of tension or persecution? Maybe it’s your job atmosphere? Maybe it is a relationship? Maybe it’s simply a constant attack against your mind? My friend, all you need is faith in GOD! GOD delights in bringing HIS children out in a miraculous way! It’s important in challenging situations that we keep our focus on JESUS, meditate on the WORD of GOD, and stay focused doing only what GOD has called us to do! When you are walking in obedience to the HOLY SPIRIT, absolutely nothing and no one can stop what GOD is doing in and through your life!  

Action Point

Make a list with these 3 points. 1. The challenge that you are facing. 2. A Promise from Scripture that you can stand on and meditate on that shows victory in this challenge. 3. What the HOLY SPIRIT has called you to do. Now, take a permanent marker and mark over number 1. All you have to do now is to keep following number 2 and 3 by standing on the WORD of GOD and following the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD! Don’t even concern yourself with the challenge any longer. I pray for supernatural favor and deliverance! Move forward and share JESUS with someone today!  

Let’s expect miracles! GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening