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Supernatural Focus

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15  

What are you focused on? What is consuming most of your thoughts throughout the day? Maybe you are going through an intense time in your life and you are constantly thinking about the next steps to take. Maybe you are constantly thinking about your work, your family, the future, or some area of your life that you want to change. It is critical for every follower of Jesus Christ to stay focused on Jesus Christ and the souls of people! We must be on guard against anything that may seek to take our time and energy away from prayer and the winning souls here upon the earth. This is where abundant life and joy is found!  

Just recently, my family and I were going through a drive-thru restaurant. When we ordered and drove up to the window, God put very strongly on my heart the lady who was working. She look very discouraged. I told her how God put her on my heart and how Jesus has amazing plans for her. She almost immediately began to cry. She prayed to give her life to Jesus Christ right there! A couple weeks later we met her again and she looked like a completely different person overflowing with God’s joy! All praise to Jesus!  

Action Point

Who does God desire to bless through you today? Who can you reach out to? Who can you pray for? Who can you call or text? Who can can share the Good News of Jesus Christ with today? When can get alone and spend time with Jesus today? Let’s make the most of this amazing opportunity of being a part of God’s work here upon the earth and for eternity! God wants you to rejoice and join in on what HE is doing! It’s a great day and let’s expect what only our Lord Jesus Christ can do!  

God bless you!