Supernatural Supply

Jesus told the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim. John 2:7

Why haven’t you started that ministry? Why haven’t you made that step of faith? Why haven’t you moved forward with the dream GOD has placed in you - that can bless multitudes throughout the world? Why haven’t you forgiven and restored that relationship?

In 1959, there was a desperate mother with a little boy who had 26 major diseases. He was born with heart failure, blind, mute, and without feet. With all that she had, this mom traveled from Tennessee to Alabama where Evangelist A.A. Allen was having a Tent Revival Meeting. All week long, no one prayed for this little boy. During the last meeting, A.A. Allen had a vision of this little boy - who the doctors said would never make it. As A.A. Allen held this boy is his arms and began to pray - 26 miracles took place. GOD created new eyes, new organs, and new feet on this little boy. This little boy ran for the first time in his life into his mother’s arms crying “momma, momma, momma”! This is what JESUS can do!


Supernatural Provision is supplied in the presence of JESUS! I would highly recommend to start reading the Gospel according to John - and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to give you a WORD for this season of your life. Stop google searching and asking so many people around you. Get a “now” WORD for yourself. Then, by GRACE, as you obey the loving leading of JESUS - everything needed will be supplied with abundance. GOD is for you!