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Surround Yourself With Wise Friends  

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30  

I am so thankful to JESUS for HIS blessing of 3 precious boys (2.5yrs. and (2) 3 mo.). We don’t like for them to stay inside too much, so we went out to a Restaurant and to the car wash. At the restaurant, a young man prayed with us to trust in JESUS CHRIST! It was such a blessing to pray with 2 men at the Car Wash. Then, it was a blessing to pray with a lady who was going through a very difficult season in her life to give her life to JESUS. Over the years, the wisest people that I know are those who spend much time in prayer and are focused on JESUS and souls! All praise to JESUS!  

Who are your friends and those closest to your life? Are they focused on themselves or are they focused on souls coming to JESUS? Are they encouraging you to do what The HOLY SPIRIT leads you to do or do they tell you reasons why you should do something else? Do they encourage you to live a life of faith or to only live comfortably? It SO IMPORTANT who our friends are and who we allow to speak into our lives!  


If you want to have the Best Year in your life, one Big priority to start with is your friends and those who speak into your life! When looking for the right friends and mentors, look at the fruit of their life and don’t go by other’s opinions. Do they pray? Do they give? Do they win souls? Do they love JESUS and love people? Do they make wise decisions? Do they value family and relationships? Do they encourage others? Do they think Big and seek to follow The HOLY SPIRIT? If you have the right friends, it can powerfully change your life!  

Have an amazing day!

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain