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Take A Stand Every Day To Not Compromise  

At daybreak they entered the temple courts, as they had been told, and began to teach the people. When the high priest and his associates arrived, they called together the Sanhedrin—the full assembly of the elders of Israel—and sent to the jail for the apostles. Acts 5:21  

These past 2 years have been a great test for many in the Body of CHRIST. It is so extremely important that we are obedient to the WORD of GOD and that we do exactly what the Bible says. It seems to me that the churches and ministries that are flourishing and growing quickly have been the ones that have been obedient and have also stayed focused on JESUS and the souls of people. Many that compromised are shutting down, some are closed and some may never open again. It is important to pray for and to walk in peace with the ruling government and authorities. However, this is only to the point that it does not go against the WORD of GOD. If rules or regulations go against the WORD of GOD, then we have to make a stand and do exactly what the LORD JESUS CHRIST says to do! This is a sure way to victory! We pray GOD’s best for everyone; however, we must be obedient to the WORD of GOD!  

Are you in a test now? Are you facing a challenge in your life? Are people around you encouraging something that you know is not from GOD? My suggestion to you is to be obedient to the HOLY SPIRIT and do exactly what the WORD of GOD says. This will bring you to a sure place of joy and victory!  

Action Point

Make a decision today to take a stand against anything and everything that would cause you to compromise from what the WORD of GOD teaches is true. Don’t go by popular opinion. Don’t go by what someone tells you. Go by what the WORD says. And then be obedient to the WORD by relying upon the HOLY SPIRIT! It will be amazing what JESUS does in and through your life! Rejoice today and find someone to encourage.  

GOD bless you!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening