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John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Luke 4:16  

I was once in another country speaking at a Gospel Crusade Event of about 12000 people. By the grace of GOD, it was absolutely amazing to see all that JESUS did at the Crusade. There were thousands who responded for salvation to give their lives to JESUS. There were many people who were physically healed. And there were many who were demonically possessed who were set free. Only JESUS can do that! At one location during the trip, while I was eating at a restaurant, I briefly met a lady who was getting food at the food buffet. Later in the trip, I had to fly from this location to another location and then back to America. In a different part of the country, while I was at the airport, the same lady noticed me and asked if I was at that specific restaurant that I mentioned before. This is a country with hundreds of millions of people! After we talked, I was able to pray with her a prayer of salvation to give her life to the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Only JESUS can do that, and HE gets all of the glory! The baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire is something that never goes away! The baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire is for 12000 people, 1 person and every precious person who needs JESUS!  

Do you want to be all that GOD has called you to be? Do you want to go where GOD wants you to go? Do you want to do all that GOD has called you to do? Do you want to fulfill GOD’s plan and purpose for your life? Do you want people to experience JESUS in and through your life? Maybe you are lacking power in your life to walk in victory? The ONLY WAY is if GOD does it through you by the working of the HOLY SPIRIT! That is one of the main teachings of the entire New Testament, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” For heaven’s plan and purpose to be fulfilled in and through your life, it is crucial for you to walk in the fullness of the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire!  

Action Point

If you are confident that you have been saved and baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire, then keep spending time with JESUS, practice HIS presence every day and seek to constantly yield to the HOLY SPIRIT in every area of your life. Keep moving forward and expecting GOD to bring many souls to JESUS in and through your life! If you have not been baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire, then I encourage you to pray and seek GOD for this amazing gift that is for every person who has given his or her life to the LORD JESUS CHRIST! As the Bible says in Luke 11:13, “how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Share JESUS with someone today and let’s expect what only GOD can do!  

Have an amazing day and GOD bless you!