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The Last Days Are Here!

“ ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Act 2:17

Mondays are a wonderful day for me because it’s kind of like a father and son day. If I have been preaching and traveling on the weekend, it’s such a joy for me to spend Monday with our GOD-given baby boy! He is only about 21 months old; however, he is anointed, very friendly with people and is already laying hands on people’s forheads like he is praying for them! This past Monday, we stopped at a couple different places and GOD had some glorious Divine Appointments set up for us! Throughout the morning, about 7 people prayed to give their lives to JESUS! There was also a mother who was in tears as her and her son prayed with us! There are multitudes of people in desperate need of JESUS!

Don’t let anything around you or anything from the past keep you from doing what GOD has called you to do? What is keeping you from living a life completely surrendered and abandoned to the work of GOD? Now is not the time to be focused only on making money or seeing how you can best retire. Now is the time to be all-in for what JESUS has called you to do! GOD has so much more for you! HE wants to use you to win souls for HIS Kingdom! What a joy and privilege!

Action Point

Make a decision today to move forward with what JESUS has placed in your heart and spirit to do! Don’t look at how many times you have failed. Don’t wait until everything is “just perfect”. Don’t wait until everyone agrees with you. These are the last days! And we have been living in the last days since JESUS rose from the dead and sent the HOLY SPIRIT! Rejoice, know that you are in CHRIST and CHRIST is in you, work hard, share the Good News of JESUS, pray for the sick, cast out demons, listen only to preachers who are anointed and who walk with GOD, and do what GOD has called you to do! If GOD be for us, who can be against us? Wherever you are reading this, stop for a moment and give JESUS a big shout of praise!

GOD bless you, my friend!