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The Miraculous Motivation Of Love  

And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:14  

When you begin to look at great revivals of the past and people whom GOD worked through in such a powerful way, you see people that left everything to follow JESUS! It seems that most of the people whom GOD worked through so powerfully had an intense love for JESUS and an intense love for people! From early on, that was a prayer that I prayed nearly every day for JESUS to baptize me with HIS HOLY SPIRIT and to baptize me with HIS love! Miracles take place when you are moving forward loving JESUS and loving people!  

Are you motivated by love? Why are you doing what you are doing? Do you have an intense love for JESUS? Do you have an intense love for all the people around you? As a follower of JESUS CHRIST, we have a supernatural ability to love people with GOD’s love! This love will motivate you to move forward - no matter how difficult the challenges.  

Action Point

Meditate on the TRUTH that JESUS loves you! Make a decision to follow the HOLY SPIRIT and to express GOD’s love to everyone around you! Don’t look at the outward appearance. Look at how each person can be transformed by JESUS! Share the love of JESUS with someone today! GOD can work miracles through you!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

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