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The Power Of Being Organized  

Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house. Proverbs 24:27  

There is no doubt that we need ORGANIZED men and women of GOD like John Wesley and George Whitefield today! It is nothing short of miraculous what GOD did through men like this. John Wesley would wake up almost every day at 4AM to spend Devotional Time and then to write letters to people. Then, he would spend time from about 6-8AM for tea, prayer and conversation. He would travel much and preach about 2-3 times per day. He would then sometimes have Meetings and eat in the evening. Between 1748 and 1790, he preached over 40,000 Sermons and travelled 225,000 miles. Almost every minute in his day was accounted for and used to serve GOD! All praise to JESUS!  

Are you organized? Is your schedule and calendar organized? Is your home organized? Is your work space organized? Or do you simply “go with the flow”? Maybe you want to be organized and you don’t know how? It’s amazing what can be accomplished when we are good stewards with the time that GOD has given to us!  


Start with small steps! Think of 2 areas of your life that you can work on getting organized - for the purpose of making the most of what GOD has given to you! Maybe you can start with your Calendar? Maybe your morning routine? Maybe organizing your room? Maybe cleaning up and organizing your work space? Yield to The HOLY SPIRIT and allow your life to be organized and led by JESUS! GOD can accomplish so much through your life!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain