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The Power To Say “NO”!  

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, Titus 2:11-12  

We must have another Great Spiritual Awakening in this generation! The power of saying “NO” has never been more important! In the Welsh Revival, a young man named Evan Robert’s chose to say “NO” to the drinking and immorality of the day. He chose to say “NO” to weak religion that did not produce GODly fruit. And he chose to cry out to GOD for revival and to get to every Church Meeting he could get to. Revival broke out in Wales that is still having impact today! If the same percentage of the Population in the US came to JESUS today - there would be about 16.6 million people come to JESUS within about 3 months! JESUS can do it again!  

Are you saying “NO” to ungodly conversations? Are you saying “NO” to lust and immorality? Are you saying “NO” to demonic and worldly music? Are you saying “NO” to the lies that are trying to take you from GOD’s plan for your life? My friend, if you are part of the HOLY Bride of the LORD JESUS CHRIST (if you are a Christian) - people are looking for you to take a stand for what is right and to say “NO” to everything unholy!  


Stay in prayer throughout each day! Be persuaded that The HOLY SPIRIT gives you the power to say “NO” to ungodliness and every time that is needed! My friend, (with JESUS) you are not a weak believer! “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” If you have been giving into temptation, quickly turn away from it - and run to JESUS and do what HE has called you to do! Time is short - souls are precious - JESUS is with us - it’s time to move forward!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain