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The Supernatural Power In The Spoken WORD Of GOD

“Go,” Jesus replied, “your son will live.” The man took Jesus at his word and departed. John 4:50

As I was in a store recently, GOD put a specific woman on my heart. I asked if there was anything in her life I could pray for. She almost immediately was in tears and overwhelmed. We talked and she was very receptive and welcoming to prayer. While I was praying, JESUS placed in my heart that she had been dealing with back pain and other issues. JESUS touched her in a powerful way! It was like having a Prayer Meeting in the Store! She then texted me the next day and told me how miracles had happened once she got home in answer to prayer! Only JESUS can do that!

Can you remember the last time when you knew that GOD had spoken something to you that was very specific? Can you remember a time when GOD placed in your heart something to speak to someone that was very specific? As a follower of JESUS CHRIST, we must always remember how powerful the spoken WORD of GOD really is! When GOD speaks, it always happens! The same GOD WHO spoke this world into existence is the same GOD WHO desires to speak to, in and through you!

Action Point

Spend time in prayer today! Get a WORD from JESUS for your future as you spend time in prayer, as you spend time in the WORD of GOD and as you rely on the HOLY SPIRIT. Throughout the day ask GOD to speak through you into the lives of those around you! Remember, JESUS desires to speak through you to share the Good News and to bring love, grace and life to those around you!

GOD bless you, my friend!