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There Is A Cost For Being Used By GOD  

Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty. Proverbs 21:5  

Yesterday, my son (about 2 years old) and I went to get haircuts. We had more errands to get done for the day. We stopped at the car wash and 2 grocery stores. Throughout the day, we were able to pray with about 12 people to give their lives to JESUS or to be encouraged through prayer! It was absolutely amazing and JESUS gets all of the glory! A day like this is just as valuable to me as preaching to a crowd of 10000 people because the value comes from being obedient unto GOD day by day! However, I am convinced that the power of GOD comes from intimacy with JESUS, prayer, obedience, and quickly following the HOLY SPIRIT!  

In today’s culture, so much is promoted as a shortcut to success or a program to follow. My friend, there are no shortcuts to walking in the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT and consistently being used by GOD! It takes good planning, hard work, and following the HOLY SPIRIT to do what GOD has called you to do! And it is miraculous!  

Action Point

When is the last time you planned out your devotional time or time in prayer? When is the last time you asked GOD when HE wants you to fast and seek HIM? When is the last time you asked JESUS who HE wants to bless through your life or with some type of gift? My friend, JESUS has gifted you! Spend time with HIM, quickly obey the HOLY SPIRIT, and go out and bless someone today!

Have a great day! GOD bless you!  

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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