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There Is NO Time To Waste!  

making the most of your time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16  

It has been absolutely miraculous what JESUS has been doing every Saturday as we meet and go out for evangelism! There have been many precious people pray to trust in JESUS and have an encounter with The HOLY SPIRIT! I remember that we went out later than usual one Saturday. The evening was filled with Divine Appointments! There was young man who had different religious encounters in the past. However, JESUS touched him in a miraculous way! He prayed to give his life to JESUS! GOD used a friend to speak into his life, as well. And then we prayed for him to receive the Baptism of The HOLY SPIRIT and Fire! Time is short and we want to make the most of the time that GOD has given to us! All praise to JESUS!  

My friend, we are living in a season where there is absolutely NO time to waste! JESUS is coming again! Eternity is real! Heaven is a reality! Hell is a reality! Everything in the Book of Revelation WILL come to pass!  


Pray! Get your house in order. Get your daily schedule in order. Share JESUS with your family. Share JESUS with your friends. Stay close to JESUS! Stay close with the Body of CHRIST! Don’t hold back. Don’t gossip or get caught up in trivial things of the world. Don’t panic or be fearful. We overcome because we are in JESUS CHRIST! We at the victorious Church! JESUS is in control and shall reign for eternity! Make a decision today to have NO time wasted, but be active in doing what The HOLY SPIRIT has directed you to do!  

We love you and pray GOD’s best for you this week! GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain