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Think Right - Speak Right - Expect Miracles  

for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart and have all of them ready on your lips. Proverbs 22:18  

It is extremely important what we look at, listen to, and think about. Something that I strive to do each day is to meditate on The WORD of GOD throughout the day. It helps to keep me focused on JESUS, souls, and in an attitude of prayer. One day last week, I stopped at the car wash and there was a young man there that I had prayed with before. He was facing a challenge in his life and was hoping that I would stop by to pray for him. It was wonderful as The HOLY SPIRIT told me exactly what to tell him that brought encouragement! There was another lady there whose family had just faced a difficult experience. She gave her life to JESUS! And HE gets all of the praise!  

What are you thinking about? What are you speaking? If you want to see your life and situations change in a radical and positive way, start thinking and speaking Only The WORD of GOD! In The WORD is miraculous, abundant, and eternal life!  


Make a decision to think about the The WORD and speak only what The WORD says! If you struggle with looking too much at things like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, News Stations, etc., then take some time off or limit how much you watch. My friend, JESUS can use you so powerfully as you are thinking, speaking, and living out The WORD of GOD! JESUS told us that we could to the same types of works that HE did, by The HOLY SPIRIT working in and through our lives!  

Have an amazing day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain