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This Is What America Needs!  

then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Acts 4:10  

Noah took a stand against the corruption the world and did what GOD called him to do. Three Hebrew children whose names were, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, took a stand against the false religion of the day and did what GOD called them to do. Daniel took a stand against false worship and did what GOD called him to do. David took a stand against the enemy and Goliath and did what GOD called him to do! In the 1500s, Martin Luther took a stand against the religion of the day and did what the Lord Jesus Christ called him to do! George Whitefield and John Wesley took a stand for the Gospel of JESUS and did what GOD called them to do. Many have made a stand in this generation and have not bowed to the religious and political systems of the world today! All of the above who have made a stand for JESUS CHRIST and the Gospel have seen great victories and multitudes of lives transformed by the HOLY SPIRIT! All glory to JESUS!  

This is what America needs! We need men of GOD and women of GOD, who will not bow down to the religious and political systems in the world today. We need men and women who will live by the WORD of GOD and by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, even if no one else around them will! We need men and women who will do what our LORD JESUS CHRIST has called them to do, no matter what! Are you one of them?  

Action Point

Take time to pray and meditate on what GOD has called you to do as part of the body of JESUS CHRIST! Make a decision in your heart, that from this moment on, you will do exactly what the HOLY SPIRIT tells you to do – no matter what. It matters not if anyone else is with you. If GOD has spoken, then do exactly what HE tells you to do. That is the Best place to be! There is a coming Great Spiritual Awakening and Revival that will shake the nations of the earth once again! Join me and let’s expect what only JESUS can do!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #spiritualawakening #revival