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True Salvation  

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38  

I was talking to a man whom GOD had placed very strongly on my heart. As I was talking with him, I began to tell him how much JESUS loves him and has great plans for his life. Tears began to stream down his face as he told me that he didn’t know if GOD could forgive him for all the wrong that he had done. After I talked with him more, he ended up giving his life to JESUS and receiving forgiveness of sins. He was turning away from all other efforts including his own efforts, and he was turning to JESUS! According to the Bible, he is a new creation in CHRIST JESUS! Only GOD can do that!  

Sometime believers find it difficult to share the Good News of JESUS because they don’t know exactly what to share. A wonderful Pastor, Dr. Adrian Rogers once said, “The gospel is simply glorious and gloriously simple.” This is so true. As you go forth sharing the Good New of JESUS CHRIST with others, it’s important to keep it simple. Here are 3 main points when you are sharing the Good News of JESUS with others: 1. We are all sinners in need of JESUS. 2. JESUS died for our sins on the cross, was buried, but defeated death, rose from the dead, and is now seated in heaven as HE made completely all that was needed for salvation. 3. We must turn away (repent) of all other efforts and give our lives to JESUS as LORD, SAVIOR and GOD!  

Action Point

Look for opportunities to tell people about JESUS today. As you begin to talk to people, be focused on loving them, caring for them and desiring GOD’s best for them. Don’t be focused on just giving them information. The Good News of JESUS comes forth by our Words and Actions! Look for ways that you can help others and then share with them the Good News of JESUS – WHO can transform their lives and save them for eternity. Let’s expect a great harvest of souls!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening