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Trust And Obey - Never Give Up  

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. Ecclesiastes 12:13  

Most of the men and women whom JESUS has used to transform generations have shared a Powerful Mindset of simply obeying GOD, even if persecuted and misunderstood. Something that has been so important to me for years is to seek GOD and to quickly obey HIM! This has been one of the greatest blessings in my life because it’s constantly yielding to The HOLY SPIRIT and JESUS accomplishing HIS work through our lives! The other day, GOD put on my heart to share the Good News of JESUS somewhere different than usual. I met a man in the parking lot who was going through one of the most difficult seasons of his life. He prayed to give his life to JESUS and was encouraged in a special way! All praise to JESUS!  

Are you spending time with JESUS and hearing HIS voice clearly? Are you living by The WORD of GOD? Or by someone else’s opinions? Are you quickly doing obeying GOD? Or procrastinating?  


Everything that you need is in JESUS and The WORD of GOD! For JESUS is the WORD made Flesh! Do your best to spend time with GOD where you hear HIS voice clearly. Then, obey JESUS with whatever HE places on your heart to do. Fellowship with believers who are also seeking JESUS and are focused on doing GOD’s work! Trust and obey, and never ever give up!  

GOD bless you!