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Turn From Death To Life  

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus. Acts 3:19-20  

We were recently travelling and staying at a hotel. While we there, I found out that there were a number of people staying at the hotel who were taking classed to get the Commercial Drivers License. It seemed that many of them were going through a tough time in life and were trying to do something to improve their lives for them and family. I got to talk to 3 of them on different occasions and they all joyfully gave their lives to JESUS! They were ready to turn away from everything else and turn completely to JESUS – WHO really has the best plans for them and their families! There are so many hurting people who are in desperate need of JESUS!  

Have you given your life to JESUS? When you die, do you know if you will go to heaven? Are you certain that the Holy Spirit lives within you? Do you want to know that heaven is your home and begin experiencing God’s best for your life? Let’s make sure today!  

Action Point (Pray this Prayer Below)

LORD JESUS CHRIST, thank you for loving me. I know that you have great plans for me. I know that I'm a sinner, as we all are. I know that the Good News is that YOU love me and that YOU died on the Cross for all of my sins. YOU were buried, but YOU rose from the dead and appeared again. YOU are alive today and YOU are with me now. LORD JESUS CHRIST, I trust YOU always and I confess YOU always as my LORD, SAVIOR, GOD, and HEALER. Come into my heart and life and save me LORD JESUS CHRIST. Then, use me to bless and save others. I receive YOUR baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire to be who YOU have called me to be and to protect me and my family. I receive YOUR love and YOUR gift of eternal life. I trust no one else and nothing else. All of my trust is in YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST, my LORD, SAVIOR, HEALER, and GOD! Heaven is now my home, GOD lives in me by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, and with YOU for me JESUS - the Best is yet to come! Thanks for saving me LORD JESUS CHRIST! In JESUS' NAME, Amen!  

God bless you! We rejoice with you!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening