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 Unexpected Miracles – TSEA Devotional  

The mind of a person plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9  

It had been an interesting process to get my license and vehicle registrations transferred from NY to NJ. After multiple visits, I now had to go to 2 different locations in the same day. I called to see if I could take care of something over the phone and I found out that I still had to go in-person. As I was talking to the lady on the phone, GOD put her strongly on my heart. Shortly after, I was able to pray with her over the phone to give her life to JESUS! I went to the location in person and GOD put the lady working at the door on my heart. Shortly after, she was in tears as we talked and prayed with her to give her life fresh and anew to JESUS! GOD opened the door to pray with about 17 more people throughout the day to either give their life to JESUS and/or pray for something specific in their lives. So, throughout the day after my plans had been UNEXPECTEDLY changed, there were about 19 precious people who either prayed to trust in JESUS and/or I was able to pray for them. Only JESUS can do that, and HE gets all of the glory!  

Can you remember the last time when your plans were unexpectedly changed? Or maybe you had to go somewhere that you didn’t expect to go? Or maybe there has been a significant change of plans in your life recently? Maybe the HOLY SPIRIT has placed in your heart to move forward with something specific that HE desires to do through you? As a child of GOD, you have the amazing joy and blessing to know that we have a Loving FATHER WHO will always direct us in HIS right and perfect way! If your heart is sincere in seeking GOD’s path and purpose for your life and if you are willing to do whatever JESUS desires, then I can assure you that you can expect unexpected miracles in your life!  

Action Point

Make it a priority to listen to voice of the HOLY SPIRIT all throughout the day. Take some scheduled time each day to spend alone with GOD in your “secret closet” of prayer. Listen for the voice of JESUS today and move forward expecting miracles everywhere you go! Ask GOD and look around to see who JESUS desires to bless through you today. It will be absolutely amazing what JESUS does!  

GOD bless you in a powerful way!