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Victory Over Circumstances

28Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. Matthew 15:28

It’s so important to know JESUS intimately and to understand how much JESUS loves us! I remember after a service once when a young lady came to tell me what happened. She said that she had heard something similar to what I had said so many times. She said that when she heard it that night that JESUS set her free! Once we begin to understand how willing JESUS is to heal us and how much HE loves us, miracles begin to take place! All praise to JESUS!

So many people today are gripped with fear and worry. Many times, the sickness is not the issue. Many times, it is an issue of fear and worry which is produced by wrong thinking. As a child of GOD, it is so important for us to spend quality time reading the WORD of GOD, to spend time in prayer and to spend time in fellowship with others doing GOD’s work together with like-minded believers. Once we understand GOD’s love, grace and mercy for us – we will want to go to HIM for everything!

Action Point

Are you in a situation or circumstance that has gotten you discouraged? Are you facing challenges at work or in relationships that are seeming to not get any better? Whatever you are facing today, know that JESUS loves you and HE will lead you in the right direction. Spend time with JESUS today and see what HE says about the situation. Then go out and encourage someone today to do what GOD has called them to do! Live in victory over every circumstance by know JESUS and how much HE loves you!

GOD bless you, my friend!