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Victory Over Negative Thoughts  

If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! 2 Corinthians 3:9  

Years ago, when I began sharing the Good News of JESUS with others on a daily basis, many times I would face guilt and condemnation. I remember times when working out at the gym. I would pray with someone or multiple people to give their lives to JESUS. Then, when I got to my car, I would be overwhelmed with guilt that I had not shared the Gospel with other people in the gym. All of heaven was rejoicing over someone trusting in JESUS and I was being attacked with condemnation. After some time, the HOLY SPIRIT made known to me the joy in simply relying on HIM and doing only that which HE told me to do. I didn’t have to have a constant demand on myself. I have been made the righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS and I can enjoy GOD working in and through my life!  

Have you been facing a battle in your mind? Have you been dealing with intense thoughts of guilt and thoughts from the past? Do you constantly feel that you have to do something to ease that battle in your mind? My friend, JESUS wants you to live in freedom and enjoy the wonderful relationship that HE has given to you with HIM! GOD wants you to be in a place of rest. In the New Covenant, the Bible teaches that we are the righteousness of GOD in CHRIST JESUS! There is no sin, no guilt and no shame in the life of a child of GOD!  

Action Point

Ask yourself this question. Do you live with a constant feeling of demand on yourself or do you live with a constant knowing that the supply of GOD is flowing in your life? Read and pray over 2 Corinthians 3. You have been made righteous! You have the HOLY SPIRIT living in you! There is no sin or guilt on your account! Your negative past has been washed clean! JESUS loves you and is with you at all times! Rejoice! Go out and bless someone today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#spiritualawakening #revival #souls