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Walking With Authority

Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek. The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching—and with authority! He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him.” Mark 1:25-27

I remember a time when I was riding a subway in NYC. There was a lady that GOD put on my heart. I approached her and she fell to the ground being oppressed by what I believe was a demonic spirit. I prayed in the authority of JESUS and also prayed with her to give her life to JESUS. She was attacked by the enemy, but JESUS set her free!

We are in desperate need for another great spiritual awakening in this nation. The suicide rate is at an all time high and people are hurting nearly everywhere throughout the country. In this season and in the seasons to come, you and I must be walking in the freedom and in the authority that we have in JESUS CHRIST! As a child of GOD, we have authority over every enemy in JESUS’ Name!

Action Point

Are you having an attack against your mind? Are you having an attack in your marriage? Are having an attack in some area of your life? Or maybe you know someone who is having an attack against their life? Don’t tolerate the enemy in any area of your life or your family! Take authority in JESUS’ Name, fast, pray, and know that you have the authority as the LORD JESUS CHRIST lives in you! Make it a point to pray for someone today!

GOD bless you!