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We Lack Nothing  

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. Psalm 23:1  

Yesterday, our 3 boys and I went out to get something to eat and to share JESUS! (The twins are almost 4 months old now) We stopped at a restaurant and prayed with 2 young men to give their lives to JESUS! We got some good food; however, more importantly 2 souls were touched! For years now, we have lived in the Powerful Truth that we lack nothing. Our SOURCE is The LORD JESUS CHRIST alone! If we are following The HOLY SPIRIT and doing what HE tells us to do - all the provision is already there! Our intense desire is that everything that we have is used for GOD’s purposes - and JESUS gets all of the glory!  

What is your source? Are you worried about your income? Are you concerned about a crash in the economy? Do you feel that you are not as gifted or as important as other people? I love what one Pastor said. If you have JESUS - you need nothing more - but you should settle for nothing less!  


Pray and get GOD’s direction! GOD desires that you trust and believe HIM for all of the provision in every area of your life such as spiritually, physically, materially, etc.! Does that mean - no work? Absolutely, not! This means working with all of your heart - doing exactly what The HOLY SPIRIT has instructed you to do! That’s why the Action Point is to pray. My friend, now is the time to hear GOD’s voice clearly and to do only what HE tells you to do! If you do that - you will not lack!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain