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We Need A Demonstration Of The Power Of GOD


10On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, 11and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. 12When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” 13Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God. Luke 13:10-13

R. W. Schambach told of an amazing story that really encouraged me. In a Meeting, a lady came up to him and gave him some candy. She wanted R.W. Schambach to wear the candy and then give it back to her. Her sister had been in an insane asylum for about 30 years. When she would send her sister things like prayer cloths, the people there would throw them away because they didn’t believe in that. However, the medical people said that she could give her sister candy. R.W. Schambach had taught that it’s not the cloth, but it’s faith in GOD! He wore the candy and gave it back to this lady. When her sister ate the candy, demons came out and she was completely set free and in her right state of mind. The doctors examined her for about 15 days and were amazed! After 30 years of bondage, she was set completely free in one moment of faith and demonstration of the power of GOD! This lady then went on to work in Ministry full time at a church! We need to see these types of miracles today! All praise to JESUS!

We are in desperate need for the body of JESUS CHRIST to stand up and move forward doing what GOD has called us to do! People are hurting all around us. The suicide rate is at an all time high in many age groups. When are we going to believe what the Bible says, take by faith and then demonstrate it by the working of the HOLY SPIRIT? The time is now, my friend!

Action Point

Read through the Gospel accounts. Read through the Book of Acts. See how JESUS lived. See how the Apostles lived after being baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire in Acts 2. Ask GOD to help you live that way in this generation by the working of the HOLY SPIRIT! It is also very important to not allow past experiences (even good ones) hold you back from experiencing greater levels of faith and the new season that GOD desires to take you into! Simply be willing, available and ready to do whatever JESUS instructs you to do!

GOD bless you, my friend!