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We Need Encouragers Today

I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage you. Ephesians 6:22

Something that I have tried to be very intentional about throughout the years is encouraging people to do what JESUS has called them to do! I remember very early on in Ministry School that I went through a very intense time because I didn’t feel that I was where I was supposed to be. I knew that JESUS had called me to preach, but I felt that I was in the wrong place. I was privileged to meet multiple times a week with a wonderful mentor and Pastor who had went through very similar situations when he was younger. The HOLY SPIRIT worked through him and encouraged me in such a powerful way! I was able to make some positive changes concerning Ministry School and many doors opened to share The Good News of JESUS in a miraculous way! I’m so thankful for encouragers! All praise to JESUS!

Are you encouraging others or criticizing others? Are you pointing out gifts and talents? Or are you pointing out failures and shortcomings? Are you overlooking offenses? Or are holding things against others? My friend, to speak bluntly, all of us are nothing without JESUS! It’s important that we view people with the vision of who they can become in JESUS and encourage them to do what GOD has called them to do!


We need encouragers! In the midst of many demonic agendas in America and different countries, we need men and women of GOD who will speak life into people and situations! Pray and ask JESUS to bring people into your life or bring people to your mind to encourage today. Maybe it’s a call? Maybe it’s a prayer? Maybe it’s a conversation? Do your best to encourage someone to be who JESUS has called them to be!

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain