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We Need Great Reverence For GOD  

Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events. Acts 5:11  

During this season and in the days ahead, it is extremely important that we have a great reverence for GOD and for the work of GOD. In the days ahead, I believe that it will be very difficult for those who have greatly compromised and have moved away from the work of GOD here upon the earth. No matter what the cost, it is important that we are living for JESUS CHRIST and are focused on doing what HE has called us to do! This is a sure way to victory and joy as we move forward to see a great harvest of souls given to JESUS in these last days!  

Do you have a great reverence for GOD and HIS work here upon the earth? How often do you think about JESUS throughout the day? How often do you talk to JESUS throughout the day? Are you determined to live a pure and holy life even if others around you are not? My friend, JESUS loves you and desires that you walk in victory! My suggestion to you is to let go of everything in the world, surrender completely to JESUS, and then move forward doing exactly what GOD tells you to do! The Bible teaches that in GOD’s presence is joy unspeakable and full of glory!  

Action Point

What habits need to change in your life? What attitudes need to be changed in your life? What ways of living need to be changed in your life? Write down a list of habits and areas where you need to be transformed. Find Scripture in the Bible that supports what you desire to do. Then, rely on the HOLY SPIRIT and walk in victory! GOD has great plans for you and can use you in a powerful way! Don’t waste time! Move forward expecting what only JESUS can do!  

GOD bless you! 

#revival #reverence #spiritualawakening #souls