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What Do You Have?

13He replied, “You give them something to eat.” They answered, “We have only five loaves of bread and two fish—unless we go and buy food for all this crowd.” 14(About five thousand men were there.) But he said to his disciples, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” Luke 9:13-14

For the last about 7 years, it has been almost a daily experience for me to pray with at least one person (many times many people) a prayer to trust in JESUS CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOR! It has been amazing to see how GOD always gives an abundance of strength to do what HE has called us to do. GOD has also blessed us with so many testimonies of how the more we give out to others, the more JESUS gives us in return so that we can actually give even more. We are looking at what we have in JESUS CHRIST and not at what it may look like we don’t have!

What has JESUS asked you to do? What does GOD want to do in and through you to bless others? Many times a fear concerning provision hinders people from moving forward and doing what GOD has called them to do. When our focus on JESUS and simply walking in obedience to HIM, we don’t have to worry about anything. When we move in obedience to the vision, the provision is already there!

Action Point

Take time today to think about what GOD has called you to do. What is the next step of obedience? What action does JESUS want you to take now that you have heard HIS voice concerning the matter? Always remember that true faith always leads to action. Don’t wait until everything is “perfect” to move forward. You simply take one step at a time doing exactly what the HOLY SPIRIT tells you to do and miracles will abound in your life! Encourage someone today!

GOD bless you, my friend!