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What Happens When You Demonstrate The Power Of The Gospel  

Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number. Acts 5:14  

Smith Wigglesworth was powerfully used by GOD and multiplied thousand were given to JESUS! There were multitudes who were physically healed. It was confirmed that 14 people were raised from the dead by GOD working through his life. In fact, continents were impacted greatly by all that the HOLY SPIRIT did through this ministry. In some meetings, hundreds would be healed. Not only all of this, but many preachers and believers (myself included) have been greatly encouraged, stirred, and motivated by what JESUS did through Smith Wigglesworth. This was a man who demonstrated the Power of the Gospel of the LORD JESUS CHRIST – all by the working of the HOLY SPIRIT!  

Is your life a demonstration of the Power of the Gospel? Would you like to demonstrate the Power of the Gospel? Well, my friend, I have good news. JESUS is the same yesterday, today and forever. HE has not lost any power, authority, or ability! By total reliance upon the HOLY SPIRIT, as you read the WORD of GOD, obey the WORD of GOD, and the act upon the WORD of GOD – you will experience the Power of the Gospel working in and through your life to transform the lives of others!  

Action Point

Take time this week to begin reading the Gospel Accounts (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). Look at the life of JESUS! HE taught the WORD, HE preached the WORD, and HE demonstrated the WORD! Begin this week living like you see JESUS living in Scripture! GOD desires to work miracles in and through your life! Don’t back down! Keep moving forward! Do what GOD has called you to do! Rejoice and go demonstrate the Power of the Gospel as the HOLY SPIRIT is working in and through your life! Souls saved! People healed! Lives transformed!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening