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Title: What Has Your Attention?

Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” John 11:40

Yesterday was nothing short of miraculous! I usually run errands on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. However, our oldest son and I went out to get some things done. The first place we stopped, one lady was in tears, encouraged, and giving her life to JESUS! Another man was touched powerfully, encouraged, and praying to trust in JESUS! We left there and picked up some groceries. By GOD’s grace, prayed with a lady who was so touched and in tears. She also prayed to trust in JESUS! Our attention was on what The HOLY SPIRIT wanted us to do! Only JESUS can do that!

What has caught your attention? Is social media? Is it a news station? Is it constant arguments in the home? Is it all that bad things happening throughout the world? Or is all of your attention on JESUS and what HE can do? Is your focus on hearing and obeying The HOLY SPIRIT? Does The WORD Of GOD and the promises of GOD have your attention?


You will follow what you focus on! Make a decision today to focus on the solutions and not just the problems. Focus on JESUS and what HE can do. Stop focusing on everything the enemy is trying to do. My friend, GOD is faithful! JESUS loves you and will fulfill every promise! Get focused on JESUS and what HE has called you to do! With JESUS for us, who can be against us?

Have a great day and GOD bless you!