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What Weights Are Holding You Back?  

let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Hebrews 12:1b-2a  

It is amazing to see how fast Olympic and Marathon runners can run! Usain Bolt from Jamaica ran the 100m dash in 9.58 seconds. Eliud Kipchoge from Kenya ran a Marathon (over 26 miles) in about 4hrs and 37mins. It’s amazing how GOD has gifted people! What if they wore boots? What if they would’ve put on heavy jackets? What if they would’ve put on a suit? Do you think that they could’ve made those records? NO. They want to be as light as possible and they want to focus on being best prepared for the finish!  

What is hindering you? Are you holding on to any “weights”? Are there any sins holding you back? Is fear holding you back? Are other people’s opinions holding you back? Are sports and entertainment holding you back? Is spending hours on Social Media holding you back? Is gossip holding you back? What about a negative attitude? Is your job holding you back? Is a time consuming habit holding you back? 


My friend, being embraced by the love of JESUS, get out of your life quickly anything and everything that is holding you back. If it’s sin, get it out! If it’s a time-consuming habit that is not helping you, get it out! Maybe it’s something that is not sin; however, it’s taking your focus off of JESUS and souls! Remember, a good thing becomes a bad thing if it keeps you from the Best thing! Living for JESUS, souls, and doing only what The HOLY SPIRIT says is best! Remove the weights! Don’t condemn yourself! Rejoice in the LORD! Move forward!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain