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What You Can Do or What GOD Can Do!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, Ephesians 3:20

We hear people say to “just trust in GOD”; however, what does that really look like? Are you really trusting in JESUS, what HIS WORD says, and what HE can do? Or, are you living a life full  worry, trying to “figure a way out”? A life of trusting in JESUS is a life completely yielded to the HOLY SPIRIT - always saying “yes!” to what JESUS instructs you to do!

Yesterday was absolutely miraculous! I had been praying for something specific and GOD answered in a major and miraculous way! What would cost new around $6000, GOD blessed us with it for free. And, we were able to donate a gift to the person where we got it. Not only that, but 5 precious people prayed to trust in JESUS CHRIST! It’s always about JESUS and souls! GOD gets all of the glory!


Start each day by yielding to the HOLY SPIRIT and walking in HIS plans for your life. Whatever you are facing, go to the WORD of GOD - your solution is there! Read the promises of GOD, believe the promises of GOD, speak forth the promises of GOD, and be moved to action by the promises of GOD! Build your life on prayer and constantly going to JESUS for direction. Usually, if you have to force it to happen, you’re relying on your strength and not GOD’s strength! JESUS wants to do a great work through your life!

Have a great day and GOD bless you!