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When Are The Joshua’s Going To Stand Up?

5No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. 6Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.

One of the most significant revivals in Christian History is what some people call “The Welsh Revival”. Evan Roberts was one of the most significant individuals in this Revival at the age of 26. He had been praying for revival for about 12 years and then at the age of 25 had a radical encounter with GOD in prayer. Shortly after, revival broke out in Wales and thousands upon thousands of people were saved and brought into the kingdom of GOD! It was what only JESUS could do! Some of the most influential Ministers of different denominations were travelling to here a young man of about 26 years old because he was anointed of the HOLY SPIRIT. By the HOLY SPIRIT, Evan Roberts did what GOD instructed him to do and multitudes were transformed and people are even be transformed today by what GOD did so many years ago! Praise GOD!

This is such a critical season for all of us in the Body of CHRIST! Have you made a stand? Or have you began to compromise? Have you moved forward with what JESUS has called you to do? Or have you given into fear or distractions? My friend, this is not a season to wait around or sit back, this is a season for you and I to stand up and do what GOD has called us to do (even if we are walking by ourselves). The enemy is not winning. GOD has already won the battle and HE is with us! It’s time to stand up and move forward!

Action Point

Get away from all of the distractions! Make a decision to leave all of the negative experiences from the past behind! Make a decision to make a stand and move forward doing what GOD has called you to do! Make a decision to rely on the HOLY SPIRIT and be used of the LORD to set people free! My friend, be strong and courageous! Don’t even think about giving up! JESUS is with you always! Look for someone to encourage and share JESUS with someone today!

GOD bless you, my friend!