When Is The Last Time You Thought About The Reality Of Heaven And Hell?
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2
Yesterday, our oldest son and I ran some errands. We stopped at the car wash. I saw a young man and GOD told me that I needed to speak with him. I had just prayed with and encouraged a nice Christian lady, who also got her car washed. I saw the young man, called him over and started talking with him. He has so much potential of what GOD can do through his life. He gave his life to JESUS, was born-again and JESUS gets all of the glory!
When is the last time you lived an entire day with eternity in your mind and thoughts? How often do you think about the Truth and Reality that every person is going to spend eternity in heaven or hell?
Take a moment today or even the entire day to meditate on the Actual Fact that every person that you see today will spend eternity in heaven or hell. Don’t get caught up in the worries and anxieties of this life. Don’t get distracted by things that don’t impact eternity. My friend, NOW is the time to focused on JESUS and souls! Let your life count for eternity!
Have a great day and GOD bless you!