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When Things Don’t Go As Planned  

So that your trust may be in the Lord, I teach you today, even you. Proverbs 22:19  

I was just recently working on one of our cars. I had the day planned out to get a lot of things done. What sometimes would take only about an hour took much longer than expected and I had to wait and fix it another day. However, because of this I went to the store to pick up some tools. By GOD’s grace, I was able to pray with 8 precious people. One lady was on tears as JESUS touched her powerfully! It was amazing! Things did not go as planned, but there were souls who needed JESUS! All glory goes to JESUS!  

Can you remember the last day when it seemed nothing was going as planned? Maybe you are in a season and it seems that nothing is working out as planned? My friend, JESUS wants you to talk to HIM and to trust HIM completely! In this situation, it’s best to go to GOD and always get direction from HIM! HIS plans are perfect!  

Action Point

Stop, pray, evaluate the situation, and follow the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT within you. Don’t rush, unless GOD leads you to do so. Look around and see how you can bless and encourage someone! Remember, as wonderful as it is to get things done, there are souls who are crying out for JESUS all around us! Someone needs to hear the Good News of JESUS through you!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#trustJESUS #AllJESUS #JESUS #moveforward #souls #revival #spiritualawakening #thebestisyettocome #keepmovingforward #Rejoice #Joy #love #speak #speakright