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Where Are You Getting Your News?

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, Colossians 1:1

At one time, the Apostle Paul (then Saul), was helping to attack the Church and to put Christians to death. In Acts 9, we see that Saul had a radical encounter with the LORD JESUS CHRIST that would change his life from that moment for eternity! JESUS saved him, baptized him with the HOLY SPIRIT and taught him what he was to do. What if Paul would’ve gone to all the people around him or the religious leaders of the day? What if he would’ve gotten everyone’s opinion about him for what he should do? By GOD’s grace, I’m so glad that Paul got his news and direction from JESUS! Paul could say with authority that he was “an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God”.

Where are you getting your news? Are you going to people around you? Are you looking at the TV or mainstream news stations (Much of what you see is not the pure Truth)? Are you thinking about what others have said? It is crucial for every believer to get their news from GOD! If you haven’t spent time in prayer and sought JESUS for what is happening in the world today, then you probably don’t know. One of our greatest desires should be to always be doing what JESUS has called us to do by being who HE says we are!

Action Point

Make sure that you have a planned schedule where you can consistently spend time in prayer, reading the Bible and hearing GOD’s voice. Once you heard the voice of JESUS, that settles the issue! Let’s spend time in prayer and then be in communion with the HOLY SPIRIT and talking with HIM throughout the day! Let’s get our news and direction from the LORD JESUS!

GOD bless you in every way!