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Where Are You Looking For Wisdom?  

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5  

If you look back at most true revivals, it has been men or women of GOD who, by The HOLY SPIRIT, have received GOD’s wisdom and have moved forward doing what JESUS had instructed them to do! I’ve been saved since I was about 5 years old. I knew to love JESUS and to love people. However, I did not understand that I was supposed to share the Gospel and win souls (while this is one of the wisest things to do)! Around 12 years ago, everything changed and it’s been an almost every day experience of winning souls! Even yesterday, 2 precious ladies prayed to trust in JESUS at Wal-Mart. All praise to JESUS!  

Where are you going for wisdom? Are you going to JESUS? Or your friends? Are you going to The HOLY SPIRIT? Or just what makes sense to your mind? Are you going to The WORD? Or google? My friend, we need JESUS for every big decision and every small decision! If you go to GOD in faith for wisdom - HE will give you wisdom in an abundance!  


Make a decision today to go to GOD for wisdom! Get to where you hear the voice of The LORD for yourself! JESUS will speak to YOU! Remember, if you want to walk in victory, live by The HOLY SPIRIT and by The WORD! Are you lacking wisdom? Turn off the Internet. Don’t start asking everyone around you. Go to JESUS and ask! All the wisdom that you need is in JESUS!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain