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Who Are You Bringing?

22They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. 25Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Mark 8:22, 25

I noticed a man a Wal-Mart parking lot and GOD put him very strongly on my heart. I started talking with him and we had great conversation. By GOD’s grace, he was brought to JESUS and I prayed with him a prayer of salvation. It touched my heart greatly what he told me afterwards. He told me how much that prayer meant to him. He said that he had lost his son about 3 years ago to an overdose. In my mind and heart, I think about the multitudes of precious men, women, boys, and girls who consider taking their lives – and who desperately need to be brought to JESUS!

As a follower of JESUS, we have been commissioned by the LORD JESUS CHRIST to be witnesses of HIM and to share the Good News of JESUS everywhere HE sends us! Most people in America and many places throughout the world have never heard a clear presentation of the Good News of JESUS and how much GOD loves them. By the working of the HOLY SPIRIT, we are called to bring others to JESUS!

Action Point

Do you have an intense passion in your heart that every person you see comes to know JESUS? Pray for GOD to cause you to experience that passion! Who does GOD want to bring to JESUS through your life? Who can you tell about JESUS today? Who can you pray for and lay hands on who sick today? Who can speak a Word of life into who is going through torment in their mind? Let’s be led by the HOLY SPIRIT, rejoice and go forth doing what GOD has called us to do! Let’s to see people brought to JESUS!

GOD bless you, my friend!