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Who Are You Obeying?  

Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings! Acts 5:29  

Many years ago soon after GOD had gripped my heart for JESUS and for the souls of people, I worked at a very fast paced restaurant. I made this restaurant and everywhere GOD placed me as a Mission Field. While I had an earthly job responsibility, I also have a Heavenly job responsibility. During my time there, many people gave their lives to JESUS. There were many employees that prayed with me to trust in JESUS! There were also many times where I would sit down with the people at a table and pray with all of them to give their lives to JESUS! No matter what happened, I had to be obedient to the LORD JESUS CHRIST and share the Gospel everywhere HE sent me! JESUS gets all of the praise!  

Who are you obeying? Are you obeying man’s rules? Or are you being obedient the GOD? Now it is our responsibility to be obedient the those in authority over us; however, this only as it lines up with GOD’s WORD and it doesn’t go against what JESUS teaches is true. My friend, stop looking at or even thinking about what other people think. Do what JESUS has called you to do, rejoice, and leave all of the results to JESUS! It’s an exciting life and JESUS will take care of you!  

Action Point

Make a decision today to be obedient to JESUS by sharing the Good News and by being obedient to what the WORD of GOD says to do. Don’t worry about what others think. Don’t worry about what those around you may say. Rejoice. Leave all of the results to JESUS. Share the Good News of JESUS! Pray for the sick! Cast out demons! Move forward in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT! Look for someone that you can bless today!  

GOD bless you!

#pray #spiritualawakening #revival #souls #JESUS