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Who’s Going To Tell Them?  

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? Romans 10:14  

Can you remember the last time that you were at the store, at the gym or maybe at work? Did your heart burn within you to see the people around you come to know JESUS? Do you remember the last time GOD put someone on your heart and you wanted to tell them about JESUS? As children of GOD, you and I have been given the amazing privilege and joy of being a vessel for the HOLY SPIRIT to use and speak through! Who’s going to tell them that JESUS loves them, that JESUS has a wonderful plan for their lives and that GOD will save them for eternity?  

Yesterday, my family and I stopped at the bank. As we were pulling into the parking lot, I saw a car with three people whom GOD really put on my heart. As I was sitting there, part of the verse above began to go over again and again in my mind. I waited for them to get back to the car and approached them to share with them the Good News of the LORD JESUS CHRIST! One was dealing with a very serious health issue. I was able to pray for them and to pray with them a short prayer to give their lives to JESUS! All praise to JESUS! 

Action Point

Who can you share JESUS with today? Maybe it’s at the store? Maybe on a phone call? Maybe at work? Maybe in the drive-thru? Who’s going to tell them? Let’s share JESUS wherever HE sends us so that precious men, women, boy, and girls may be tranformed by the Good News!  

GOD bless you in an abundant way!