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Who’s Revival Are You?  

At once he began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God. Acts 9:20  

On Wednesdays, my son and I usually spend the day together and it is such a blessing! Yesterday, I stopped at the dry cleaners and GOD brought into our lives just the right people. We were able to pray with a man from West Africa and a man from Korea to give their lives to JESUS! It was amazing and GOD’s perfect timing! Then, we went to the grocery store and the gas station. A young man gave his life to JESUS and then I found out that a Christian couple saw us and was praying for us while I was praying for him! Amazing! Then, a man at the gas station prayed with us to give his life to JESUS and we were able to pray for him. Only JESUS can do this and HE gets all of the glory!

JESUS has touched us and now we want to bring revival everywhere to others everywhere we go!   Did you know that JESUS wants to bring revival to you and then bring revival through you to others? Many times we pray for certain people and certain situations when GOD actually wants to use us in answer to prayer. Don’t let anything stop you from doing what JESUS has called you to do! Many people could be waiting for a miracle that GOD wants to perform through your life!  

Action Point

A wonderful Pastor said something that has never left me. He talked about how to not pray for something unless you are willing for GOD to use you to answer the prayer. That is a powerful statement! True prayer should lead to true action! Pray today and ask JESUS who HE wants to bless through you. Then go out and make a difference in someone’s life today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #nowisthetime #spiritualawakening #revival #JESUS