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Why Are You Worrying?

39He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. 40He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:39-40

One of the greatest blessings in my life that has continuously helped not to worry about anything is living a lifestyle focused on JESUS and the souls of people. When we know JESUS, what HE has called us to do, and rely upon the HOLY SPIRIT, we don’t have to worry about anything! It’s so joyful not to focus on ourselves, but to continuously focus on JESUS and blessing others by doing what GOD has called us to do. 

My son of about 19 months and I just recently stopped at a store. When I was standing in line there was a lady behind me that GOD very strongly put on my heart. There was also a customer who needed something in the store from high up on the shelf. I checked out, helped the customer get what was needed and then went outside quickly to see if I could pray with the other lady. I was able to talk with the lady and her daughter outside who was going through one of the most difficult seasons in her life. I prayed with them a prayer of salvation, prayed for healing, the power of GOD touched us all, and it was like a Prayer Meeting in the parking lot of the store. Only JESUS can do that!

Action Point

Think about the Truth that JESUS is with you and for you! Also, think about how you can take your focus off of yourself and put your focus on JESUS and blessing the people around you. My friend, don’t worry as GOD is always faithful and will always work things out for your good as you are called for HIS amazing purposes! Nothing is difficult for JESUS! Begin rejoicing and see how you can bless and encourage someone today! 

Have an amazing day and GOD bless you!