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Work Hard And Keep Your Word  

The soul of the lazy one craves and gets nothing, But the soul of the diligent is made prosperous. Proverbs 13:4  

I’m so grateful to grow up in a family where I was taught to work very hard and to keep my word. It’s so important to me that I am an example to our boys to follow The HOLY SPIRIT, to work hard, and to keep my word! Yesterday, we were on our way to the Prayer Meeting in Staten Island. When we stopped at the gas station, a young man gave his life to JESUS! I told our oldest son that we would stop at Chick-fil-a. When we stopped, I prayed with a young lady to trust in JESUS and for healing for her mom. Then, when we got to the Church - a mom and son prayed to trust in JESUS! We then had a great time of prayer with our dear friends! All praise to JESUS!  

Are you working hard? Or are you getting distracted? Are you finishing your job and seeing if there is more that you can do? Or are you constantly looking at the clock and waiting to finish your work later? Do you follow through with what you say that you will do?  


Make a decision to work hard, rejoice, and finish the work that GOD has given to you! Work with all your heart - as unto The LORD - and do a work of excellence! Then, make sure to follow through with what you say! It will build trust and credibility for the future. It’s better to under promise and over deliver - than to over promise and under deliver! Work hard - be true to your word - and live for JESUS and souls everywhere GOD sends you!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain