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Work Hard And Make The Most Of Each Day

Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox come abundant harvests. Proverbs 14:4

I am so thankful that I was taught as a young boy to work extremely hard and that I could do whatever I put my mind to! I was traveling to NYC for a Meeting yesterday evening. As I stopped at a gas station, I noticed a young man that GOD really put on my heart. I could tell that he has great potential in how JESUS could use his life. He seemed to be a hard worker. I talked with him and he prayed to give his life to JESUS! All praise to JESUS!

All of the men and women that I know of who have been used by GOD to touch generations have been people who worked extremely hard and had a determination to do what JESUS had called them to do - no matter what the cost! Are you a hard worker? Or are you looking for the most comfortable way to live? Are you willing to pray for hours, fast, and share JESUS - no matter what the cost? Or do want to find a “shortcut” to success? My friend, if you are going to do what GOD has called you to do - you’re going to have to work hard and keeping moving forward! However, there is an abundance of joy because we walk in the power and strength of The HOLY SPIRIT!

Action Point

Pray and ask GOD to help you to make the most of each day. Be prudent and look at how you can improve your schedule each day to do what GOD has called you to do! Get focused, rely completely on the HOLY SPIRIT, live by faith and obedience, and give your best each day in every situation! When you sleep at night, there will be great joy that you did what JESUS called you to do!

Have a great weekend! GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain